The Great History of the Great Steppe

December 16 - Independence Day, the day when the great dream of the Kazakh people came true. In honor of the holiday in the College of SKSU named M. Auezov organized a solemn meeting, which was attended by students and the teaching staff of the college. In a Patriotic rush, the participants of the event performed the national Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The director of the college, doctor of istorical sciences S. N. Alibek in his welcoming speech addressed the heroic history of Independence Day, its significance in the formation of our state, the realization of the great dreams of our ancestors. The college students were imbued with the main idea of the event, that they own the future of the country, based on the heroic past. The activists of the college presented historical scenes of the struggle for independence, on the role of youth in the large-scale plans of the state. The author assessed the country's authority and high status in the international arena, the important role of our state in discussing and solving global international problems, and how Kazakhstan has become a recognized place of unity and security over the years. An impressive video clip was presented to the participants of the event, patriotic songs were played, and the meeting ended with a collective performance of the song "Men kazakpyn".



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