About college.

Improving the quality of students' education. Training in the labor market of humane, innovative-minded, competitive specialists who contribute to the development of the economy of the Republic, including the Turkestan region and the city of Shymkent.
The purpose of education
is to create an environment of academic integrity and enhance collaboration with students.
The purpose of the training
is to improve the quality of college education through the introduction of a modular and dual learning system.
The organization of the educational process on the platform of work in the SN distance learning format.
3. Scientific purpose:
Participation in research work at the international and national levels in order to improve the scientific level, the effectiveness of students and teachers of the college.
Reconstruction, repair and construction works of the college's material and technical base.
Educational and information funds.
Ensuring the filling of information and library collections and the "library " of the SN platform with electronic textbooks developed by NAO Holding Kasipkor and college teachers.
Improving competitiveness and expanding the range of educational services.
3.1. introduction of updated standard curricula and programs into the educational process.
3.2. updating and expanding in-demand specialties (obtaining a license).
3.3 implementation of updated standard curricula and programs with a license developed by NAO Holding Kasipkor from 141 specialties in accordance with Order No. 553 dated October 31, 2017.
3.4. widespread introduction of the dual training system as the most effective form of training specialists.
3.5 Expansion of the distance learning system;
3.6. Improving career guidance.
Innovative development of educational and methodological work.
4.1. regulatory and legal support of the educational, methodological and educational process.
Development of scientific and methodological work among teachers and students.
5.1. creation and organization of a clear system for improving the level of teachers as specialists in technical and vocational education.
5.2. organization and holding of scientific-practical and scientific-theoretical conferences, training seminars.
Providing students with modern materials and tools to prepare for the World-Skills Championship in accordance with the standard.
7.Erasmus+ (Erasmus Plus) - participation in the project. The purpose of this project is to promote VET, improve the quality of education, form the mobility and culture of students and develop their social capital both at home and abroad.
The College of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University was opened by order of the Rector of the University No. 96-n dated April 1, 2016 as a constituent unit of the university and has a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 0000042. The college has a "department of technical specialties" and an "information technology department", and trains personnel in 16 promising specialties, the most in demand today. All conditions have been created for students to receive a high-quality education. Libraries, reading rooms, and electronic reading rooms serve them free of charge. Scientific research circles, creative studios, and sports clubs contribute to meaningful and interesting leisure activities for young people. A stadium, a sports hall and a dormitory are located next to the academic building. Modern pedagogical technologies are used in the educational process, lectures are given by highly qualified and experienced teachers. All this contributes to the carefree education of young people. College graduates can continue their studies in the 2nd year of the university in accordance with their specialty and receive higher education.
Address: Shymkent, named after M. Auezov. Educational College, building "13"
Phone: 8(7252)21-44-62