
January 5, 2025, we announce 1 available spot in the 2nd year of the 01140100 – “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education” (4S01140101 – Primary School Teacher) program, based on the 11th grade (Kazakh group).


January 5, 2025, we announce 1 available spot in the 1st year of the 07320100 – “Construction and Operation of Buildings and Structures” (4S07320106 – Construction Technician) program, based on the 9th grade (Kazakh group).


03.12.2024ж. 02120200 – «Киім дизайны» (4S02120203 – Киім дизайнері) мамандығы бойынша 1-курс, 11-сынып негізінде 1 орын бос екендігін жариялаймыз (қазақ тобы).


22.11.2024ж. 07130200 – «Электрмен қамтамасыз ету (салалар бойынша)» (4S07130202 – Техник-электрик) мамандығы бойынша 1-курс, 9-сынып негізінде 1 орын бос екендігін жариялаймыз (қазақ тобы).


18.11.2024ж. 01140100 – «Бастауыш білім беру педагогикасы мен әдістемесі» (4S01140101–Бастауыш білім беру мұғалімі) мамандығы бойынша 2-курс, 11-сынып негізінде 1 орын бос екендігін жариялаймыз (қазақ тобы).


18.11.2024ж. 07230100 – «Тігін өндірісі және киімдерді моделдеу» (4S07230107– Техник-технолог) мамандығы бойынша 1-курс, 11-сынып негізінде 1 орын бос екендігін жариялаймыз (қазақ тобы).


12.11.2024ж. 07230100 – «Тігін өндірісі және киімдерді моделдеу» (4S07230107– Техник-технолог) мамандығы бойынша 2-курс, 9-сынып негізінде 1 орын бос екендігін жариялаймыз (қазақ тобы).


05.11.2024ж. 08410100 – «Ветеринария» (4S08410104–Ветеринарлық техник) мамандығы бойынша 2-курс, 11-сынып негізінде 1 орын бос екендігін жариялаймыз (қазақ тобы).


01.11.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 08410100 - «Veterinary» (4S08410104 – Ветеринарлық техник), on the basis of the 1st course 11th grade (Kazakh group).


01.11.2024 we announce the availability of 2 (two) vacancy in the specialty 08410100 - «Құрылыс бұйымдары мен конструкцияларын өндіру» (4S07220105–Техник-технолог), on the basis of the 1st coure 9th grade (Kazakh group).


24.10.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 08410100 - «Veterinary» (4S08410104 – Ветеринарлық техник), on the basis of the 2nd course 11th grade (Kazakh group).


24.10.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 07320100 - «Ғимараттар мен құрылыстарды салу және пайдалану» (4S07320106 – Техник-құрылысшы), on the basis of the 3rd course 9th grade (Kazakh group).


22.10.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 10130300 - «Тамақтандыруды ұйымдастыру» (4S10130303 – Технолог), on the basis of the 1st course 9th grade (Kazakh group).


22.10.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 07150100 - «Машина жасау технологиясы» (4S07150105 – Техник-технолог), on the basis of the 1st course, 9th grade (Kazakh group).


22.10.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 02120200 - «Киім дизайны» (4S02120203 – Киім дизайнері), on the basis of the 1st course, 11th grade (Kazakh group).


18.10.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 08410100 - “Veterinary” on the basis of the 1st course, 9th grade (Kazakh group).


11.10.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 07130200 - "Electric power supply" (by branches) on the basis of the 1st course, 9th grade (Kazakh group).

11.10.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 07220100 - “Manufacture of building products and constructions” on the basis of the 1st course, 9th grade (Kazakh group).

08.10.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 08410100 - “Veterinary” on the basis of the 1st course, 11th grade (Kazakh group).


13.09.2024 07150100-We announce that 1 place is vacant on the basis of the 1st year, 9th grade in the specialty "Machine building technology (by types)" (Kazakh) group.


13.09.2024 08410100-We announce that 1 place is vacant on the basis of the 9th grade of the 1st course in the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" (Kazakh) group.


05.09.2024 08410100 - We announce that there is 1 (one) vacancy based on 9 classes in the specialty "Veterinary" (4S08410104-veterinary technician). (1st year, Kazakh group).


05.09.2024 061301000- We announce that there is 1 (one) vacancy on the basis of the 9th class in the specialty of software (by industry, 4S06130105-information systems technician). (1st year, Kazakh group).


05.09.2024 10130300- Catering organization (4S10130303 – technologist) specialty, based on 9th grade, we announce 1 (one) vacancy. (1st year, Kazakh group).


05.09.2024 01140500 - Physical education and sports (4S01140501 - Physical education teacher) We announce that there is 1 (one) vacancy based on the 9th grade. (II course, Kazakh group).


01.07.24 We announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy on the basis of the 2nd year, 9th gra00 - "software (4s06130103-software developer)" dated 01.07de in the specialty Kazakh group).


01.07.2024 (We announce the availability of 3 (three) vacancies on the basis of the 2nd year, 11th grade in the specialty 01140100 - "pedagogy and methodology of primary education (4s01140101-primary education teacher)" from 01.07.2024 (Kazakh group).


20.08.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy on the basis of the 2nd year, 11th grade in the specialty 01140100 - " pedagogy and methods of primary education (4s01140101-primary education teacher) "(Kazakh group)


20. 08. 2024 we announce the availability of 2 (two) vacancies on the basis of the 2nd year, 9th grade in the specialty z20. 08. 2024 07320100 - " construction and operation of buildings and structures (4s07320106-Construction technician) "(Kazakh group).


20.08.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy on the basis of the 2nd year, 9th grade in the specialty 06130100 - " software (4s06130105-information systems technician) "(Kazakh group).


20.08.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 01140500 - " Physical Culture and sport "(4s01140501-physical culture teacher) on the basis of the 2nd course, 9th grade (Kazakh group).


20.08.2024 we announce the availability of 1 (one) vacancy in the specialty 01140500 - " Physical Culture and sport "(4s01140501-physical culture teacher) on the basis of the 3rd course, 9th grade (Kazakh group).








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