Law aimed at improving the status of teachers!

From time immemorial, the work of the teacher was highly valued and honored in the Kazakh national tradition. It was argued that only a society that respects the teacher, trusts him to educate the younger generation, has the right to a happy enlightened future. The future of any state is inextricably linked to the quality of school education. The key to success in this area largely depends on the level of knowledge and responsibility of the pedagogical corps. It is not for nothing that in recent years our society has been trying to understand more deeply the role of the teacher in the formation of an intellectual nation that can adequately respond to the new challenges of globalization. That is what passed in the last days of 2019, the Law "On status of teacher ". The content of the adopted law is full of innovations that increase the status of teachers and contribute to their productive work. Needless to say, the rule of law regulates the standards of pedagogical ethics, the conditions of professional activity of the teacher and the promotion of professional success in work. The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on the status of a teacher " implies improving the quality of training, their professional competence, which is necessary now with the updated content of education. Fundamental knowledge is a solid Foundation of the social status of the teacher. Society, especially young students, needs methodically competent, fundamentally trained teachers Undoubtedly, the material incentives provided by the law for teachers will increase the demand for pedagogical specialties and create a competitive struggle among specialists for high quality education. In addition, the legality of reducing the number of workloads, the ban on attracting teachers to activities that are not included in the professional sphere of activity, creates excellent opportunities for creativity, professional development, self-education and self-realization. The teaching staff of the College, which took an active part in the discussion of the draft of this law, expresses confidence that the bill, created with the participation of teachers, will be viable and will completely change the lives of kindergarten teachers, school teachers, and University teachers.

                                                                                                                                                           The staff of the College of SKSU named M. Auezov


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