Schools "Parasat" - the pledge of an honest future

      According to the plan of the Department of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption "Turkestan-the territory of honesty" in the College of SKSU named after M. Auezov by order №1 of  23.10.19 «Parasat school»  was organized and the first meeting of the school was held. Organized in order to promote the principles of openness,justice, integrity among the teaching staff and students of the сollege school "Parasat" was headed  by the social teacher of the сollege A. B. Beisenbayeva. The updated volunteer club "Good ambassadors" was headed by an english teacher T. K. Zhaksylyk. By forces of school "Parasat" in November of this year the meeting  "Adal urpak – zharkyn bolashak " took place. The meeting  aroused great interest among students, the issues of combating corruption, the way to a future without corruption were raised. The club "Good ambassadors" organized the participation of College students in the Republican flash mob "Sanaly urpak-zharkyn bolashak kepili". The round table "Adamnyn yaty betіnde, adamgershіlіgі nietіnde", which highlighted the issues of personal responsibility of every citizen in the fight against corruption. An open-hearted, open conversation was conducted live on Facebook. The students and the college staff were impressed by the meeting with the representative of the Department of Religious Affairs, Abulkhairov I. The meeting was held under the motto “In the future - without corruption”.


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