A large-scale event was held ERLIK ELGE MURA - urpakka urpakka ulesi.

On May 6, 2022, a large-scale event dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Hero of the Soviet Union Sabir Rakhimov Omarkulovich "ERLIK ELGE MURA-URPAKKA ULGI" was held in the center of the Kazygurt district of Turkestan region, organized by the akimat of the Kazygurt district, the Society of southern historians and political scientists. The composition of the special delegation from Shymkent was headed by the director of the Mukhtar Auezov South Kazakhstan University College, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alibek SEIDEKHAN NURMAKHANOVICH. The delegation also includes Director of the Department for Work with Foreign Students of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Candidate of Historical Sciences Tleukulov Gauhar Seiduallyevich, Professor of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University College, Veteran of Labor Serkebaev Saldarbek Kolibaevich, M. Inspector for Youth Affairs of South Kazakhstan University College named after M. Auezov. Auezov, Master of the specialty "International Relations " Askar Olzhas Akzholovich, employees of the Shymkent school "Zhas Ulan" - teacher of the Kazakh language and literature, Master of pedagogical Sciences Gulimzhan Mukhamedzhanovna and teacher of the Kazakh language and literature, master of pedagogical sciences Bakytgul Musrkulovna. During the event, S. N. Alibek spoke at a conference about the life and exploits of Hero of the Soviet Union Sabir Rakhimov.


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