The consequences of the tragic years

      On May 31, on the eve of Day of memory of victims of political repression, in the regional Museum of victims of political repressions held a meeting of students of College SKSU named after M. Auezov, Director of the College, doctor of historical science S. N. Alibek,. deputy Director of the College Malibek Zh.T., administration of the museum of political repression in the person of B. Sergaziev, Serikbaeva G.A. on the theme "Kashiretti zhildardin zardaby".

    In his word to the younger generation, urging students to study the history of their people, to honor the memory of their ancestors, Alibek S.N. told about the harsh fate of Ashirbeka Usenova, director of the museum B. Sergaziev. He dwelt on political repressions in Soviet Kazakhstan and on the work of the Government of Kazakhstan to overcome the consequences of repression, to improve and prolong the life of Kazakhstan’s people at the present stage. During the meeting, the video “Alash zylary" was presented to the audience. College students were actively involved in the meeting, asked questions, recited poems, sang patriotic songs.
            Summing up the meeting, Alibek S.N. on behalf of the college team expressed his gratitude to the museum staff, noting that the process of studying the fate of the victims of the Soviet totalitarian power in the region will continue. And he called on young people to actively engage in the work of studying the history of their people and perpetuating the memory of our compatriots who had fallen prematurely for the prosperity of our Motherland.



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