"Books that have opened the horizons of education"

      On the launch of a large-scale scientific project that has no analogues, “New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language ”, voiced for the first time by the Leader of the Nation NANazarbayev in the article“ Looking to the Future: Modernizing Public Consciousness ”received as a result of translating textbooks from the best universities in the world in all humanitarian areas to Kazakh, thanks to which our students will be able to get an education on the basis of the best world samples, said at the event "Books that opened the horizons of education» " held on March 14, 2019 at the College of M. Auezov SKSU together with the Preparatory center of SKSU.

      The event was organized at the initiative of the doctor of historical sciences, college director Alibek S. N. and dedicated to the Year of Youth. With great interest, students and students listened to a presentation by Seydahan Nurmakhanuly about the main objectives of the project, about textbooks received by libraries of SKSU and college, about the opportunities opening up for young people.

      Alibek S.N. He dwelt on interesting facts: for the selection of books to be translated, the proposals of all educational institutions of the country were reviewed, more than 800 textbooks were received. Based on the requirements for compliance with the neutral content, periodicity of publication, publication of the latest edition of not more than 3 years ago, 18 textbooks were selected from this list for 2017. At the moment, work continues on the translation of 30 books. The leading educational institutions of Kazakhstan and more than 300 specialists are involved in translating selected textbooks into Kazakh. Text books are repeated literary and scientific editing.

      In accordance with the plan, the specified textbooks have been translated into Kazakh and delivered free of charge to universities. New textbooks are introduced into the higher education system from the 2018-2019 academic year.

      The implementation of this project provides a wide opportunity for solving a number of the most important systemic issues. The first,  100 best textbooks on the world on humanitarian issues will be translated into Kazakh. Secondly, students studying in the humanitarian sphere are provided with the conditions for obtaining education that meets the requirements of modernity. Our educational institutions will correspond to the level of the developed world scientific centers in matters of content and academic discussion. Thirdly, a large-scale translation project creates the conditions for the development and improvement of the Kazakhstani school of translation. The necessary conditions will be created for translators, scientists and teachers for successful work in modern conditions.

      Active participation in the discussion of the topic was attended by spectators, college students, students of the Center, teachers. Pupils of Tazhibay Mira, Lesbay Aidana, Altynbek Nazgul, Islamkhan Mukhamedkhanuly, Kafalov Bekmurat especially distinguished themselves.

      In conclusion, the words of gratitude to the organizers and participants of the event were made by the Deputy Director for educational work of the College Malibekov Zh.O.


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