«Ұлт рухының, ұлы жолы»

     13.12.2018 in College SKSU Auezov held a festive event "Ult Rohinin, uly zholy", devoted to 27-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event began with laying flowers at the monument to Turar Ryskulbekov.

      The event was opened by doctor of historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the College Alibek S. N. He congratulated the students and the teaching staff of the College on the great holiday of Independence Day, focused on the brightest events of Kazakh history, inspiring contemporaries to great things in the name of the Motherland. The Director of the College introduced the guests, members of the Republican patriotic movement "Zheltoksan akhihaty", Chairman of the Turkestan branch of the Sagintayev B.T., member of the Shymkent branch of the movement "Zheltoksan  akhihaty" Sartayeva A., Baltabekova N., Shambilov U., B.Tulemetov

      The event is built of two parts. The first part of "Uly Dala tarihi" devoted to the history of the Kazakh people, the second part of "Tauelsizdik belesteri" on Kazakhstan's achievements over 27 years of Independence. The section "History of the great steppe" was presented with a stage production.

      The heat was made welcome congratulations Sagintayev B. T. and rewarding College Director Alibek S. N. Honorary diploma of the Republican Patriotic movement "Zheltoksan akhihaty".


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