Events were organized at the сollege SKU named after M.Auezov within the framework of the week program.

From April 11 to April 20, 2022, the courses "technical specialties" and the subject cycle "construction and structures" were held at the college SKU named after M.Auezov ."the following events were organized within the framework of the week program:
1. On 11.04.2022, the teacher of the special discipline otkizdiolat A. A. held a round table on the topic "types of floors, technology and organization of installation work" on the discipline "organization and technology of construction and installation production" for the NSN-19-1k group
2. On 12.04.2022, the teacher of special discipline Konysbekov M. K. held an open lesson in the NSN-19-1k group on the discipline "reconstruction of buildings" on the topic "reconstruction of brick walls".
3. On 12.04.2022, the teacher of special discipline Asanova A. S. held an open lesson in the NSN-19-1k group on the discipline "construction machines and small mechanization " on the topic "machines of preparatory work"
4. On 13.04.2022, the teacher of special discipline Malik I. K. held an open lesson on the discipline "general technology of construction products" for the group PH-19-1k on the topic "Requirements for bricks in the form of raw materials
5. On 13.04.2022, a meeting was held with the Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor of the Department of "Kgmis" Mr. Baibulekov A. B., organized by Ospanov B. A., Malik I. K. with the aim of "instilling interest in the profession of students".
6. On 14.04.2022, the teacher of special discipline Ospanov B. A. held an open lesson on "construction tower cranes" in the discipline "mechanical equipment in the production of building products and structures" for the SAM-19-1k group.
7. On 14.04.2022, in honor of the holy month of Ramadan, a meeting was held for college students with a representative of the Spiritual Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Abai district, organized by Ospanov B. A., Aitureeva N.P. with the aim of "increasing religious knowledge among young people".
8. On 15.04.2022, teachers of special disciplines Pirtaeva M. A., Aitbai B. M. held a round table a table with the participation of college students on the topic "Profession – maktanyshym".
9.18-20.04. 2022. a scientific and practical conference "educated youth of new Kazakhstan" was held among college students.


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