A round table dedicated to the celebration of the "April 12 Day of Scientists" was held at the College SKU named after M. Auezov

It is not for nothing that the Kazakh people say that the path of Science and education is like digging a well with a needle. For this purpose, on 13.04.2022, in Shymkent, the College of South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, in honor of the celebration of the "day of researchers on April 12", office 217 of our college, in order to celebrate the historical significance of this day, a round table was organized among the teachers of the college. The main purpose of the round table:
1. increasing the scientific creativity of teachers
2.familiarization with the works of scientists who made a significant contribution to the Kazakh Academy of Sciences and popularization among students.
3.Full improvement of scientific creativity, search for ideas.
4.study of the works of Kazakh scientists.
5.kanysh Satpayev was born on April 12 to teach young teachers about the work of our grandfather.
6.talk about the contribution of future young scientists to the goal of "creating a new Kazakhstan".
7.to get acquainted with the discoveries of the National Academy of Sciences.
All teachers of the College, who took part in the round table, shared their thoughts and noted the ways of preparing for the upcoming student scientific and practical conference.


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