Today , the Head of State K. K. Tokayev delivered a Message to the people of Kazakhstan .

Today , the Head of State K. K. Tokayev delivered a Message to the people of Kazakhstan . He noted that the main thing is the change of the political regime , the creation of the Constitutional Court , the strengthening of the role of the Mazhilis, the development of the regions . Such concrete steps and solutions are necessary in the modern world. The collapse of prices for goods on retail shelves will not hit the population so easily. It is necessary to take appropriate measures to this issue immediately . Our president also took this into account . The parliament also proposed to strengthen control over the high - quality execution of the republican budget and create an Audit Chamber instead of the Accounts Committee . Akims of districts in the regions were instructed to provide independent financing , solving local issues at their own level by improving the material base . Thus, in his message, the President, starting from his powers, made effective changes to the activities of the parliament, the Majilis, akims of districts and cities. Accordingly, the political Jouye will contribute to the prosperity of our economy. Solving problematic issues at the level of both chambers , establishing equality of parties , creating a new Kazakhstan for every citizen .


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