On February 10, 2022, Doctor of Economics, Professor, President of the Association of Universities of Kazakhstan, Rector of the University of "Туран" Alshanov Rahman Alshanovich met with university students and schoolchildren of Shymkent.

On February 10, 2022, Doctor of Economics, Professor, President of the Association of Universities of Kazakhstan, Rector of the University of "Туран" Alshanov Rahman Alshanovich met with university students and schoolchildren of Shymkent.
At a meeting with young people, the Chairman of the Board-Rector of M. Auezov University D. P. Kozhamzharova invited students to read the work of R. A. Alshanov, aimed at increasing motivation for science.
Alshanov Rahman Alshanovich awarded the winners of the essay contest among schoolchildren and students on the book "The Secret of Twenty Millennia: searches and discoveries", presented certificates and cash prizes.
He also donated several books to the University Library Fund.
Winners of the M. Auezov UCU:
I place Raimbekova F. S. 4th year student of the Faculty of Law;
II place Abatova A. A. 3rd year student of the Faculty of "History and Pedagogy";
III place Abdugappar Yu. G. 2nd year student of the Faculty of "Jurisprudence" ;

Winners among students of Shymkent city:
I place Shengelbai D. K. Lyceum school No. 52;
II place Turlybek N. S. Lyceum school No. 23 named after Z. Kosmedemyans


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