Fair generation - a bright future

November 8, 2019 at the College of South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov in the office of the project "Fair generation - a bright future"  in order to implement an anti-corruption policy in the field of education on a systematic and long-term basis, a free form meeting was held between  club members and students. Acting Deputy Director for educational work M. E. Ismailova called students to be honest, develop spiritual wealth,to instill moral values and the desire of young people to build a society with a high anti-corruption culture.  Project Manager Beisenbayeva A. B., Deputy head of the club Talipov A. U. developing the theme "Fair generation-a bright future", noted that today in the conditions of modernization of public consciousness, the formation of high anti-corruption consciousness and anti-corruption culture of our citizens comes to the fore in society. At the meeting, the students made their suggestions  and ideas, unanimously supported by the project and coordinated the work in all areas. The students came to the conclusion that effective fight against corruption and its prevention are achieved where a high anti-corruption culture is formed. The college youth also announced their rejection to corruption by the flash mob "Sanaly urpak - zharkyn bolashak kepili".



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