«Teacher is a great name»

A solemn event dedicated to honoring the Teacher was held at the College of SKSU named after M. Auezov. On October 10 this year, the Assembly hall of the main building of the University housed the most active students: excellent students, winners of scientific projects, athletes-winners of competitions of international and national levels. Full teachers of the college took  part  in the festival " Teacher is a great name ". The first Vice-rector of SKSU  K. E. Nurmanbetov, Vice-rector for social and educational work  S. K. Beisenbayev, Dean of the faculty S. Abdraimova  and Director of  the College doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Alibek S.N  became the guests of honor of the event. In the words of congratulations to K. E. Nurmanbetov, a high assessment was made of the activities of the College staff  headed by the  director of the college S.N. Alibek, progressive development and positive change were noted. High awards  for teachers of the noted contribution to the education and training of youth: Gaukhar Kokeshova was awarded  the title of "the Best teacher of the year" by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan,  Gaukhar Halmuratova was awarded by  the letter of the  Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A number of teachers received letters of  appreciation  from the College principal. Songs, poems, words of gratitude in different languages  were sounded in  honor of the Teacher, flowers were presented. Music sounded, theatrical scenes from the history of pedagogy,  festive dances were presented. The event turned out to be interesting, bright and large-scale.



160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


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