Public Foundation "Auezov Jastary” held a meeting on the topic "Kazakhstan without domestic violence".

On behalf of the Department of internal policy and Youth Affairs of Shymkent, a meeting was held with students of the M. Auezov Training College on the topic “Kazakhstan without domestic violence”, organized by the public Foundation “Auezov Jastary”.
Speaker: psychologist specialist of the municipal state institution Center for the provision of Special social services N3 Nargiza Mukhtarovna. The main goal is to prevent domestic violence, organize information and propaganda activities and strengthen the role of the family in society.
Special information leaflets were distributed and a survey was taken.
Speaker: psychologist specialist of the municipal state institution Center for the provision of Special social services N3 Nargiza Mukhtarovna. The main goal is to prevent domestic violence, organize information and propaganda activities and strengthen the role of the family in society.
Special information leaflets were distributed and a survey was taken.