15.04-19.04.2009 week of subject-methodical Association of teachers of technical disciplines "Professional and technical education of youth - the way to the future"

15.04-19.04.2019 g in college SKSU named after M. Auezov was a week of subject-methodical Association of teachers of technical disciplines "Professional and technical education of youth - the way to the future."

The main purpose of the week: the formation of personal qualities of students, the development of creativity, increasing interest and love for their profession and technical disciplines.The solemn opening of the Week began with a welcoming speech of the Deputy Director of the College talip E. D., head of the Department Abishev R. A. The program of the Week of students and guests of the College was introduced by the department heads of the subject  R. N. Almenova and A. K. Khodzhanova.

The Week participants presented creative exhibition " My profession is pride". Great interest was aroused by the work of students and teachers of technical specialties "Construction technology and engineering" , "Oil and technology of light industry products ", books on technical specialties, clothing, manuals.
Various events were held during the week. So, teacher N. Uteeva conducted an open lesson in the TMn-17-5k group on the subject “Corrosion and fundamentals of metals protection”, during which students took part in practical work on the distribution of small particles of one or several objects in the form of a dispersed system. The TK-18-9k group took part in the open session of the teacher of the technology of sewing production Nurgaliyeva N.K., the teacher of the technology of production of building materials and structures A.S. Asanova organized the contest "Young builders".

Teachers of the specialty of production technology of building materials and structures by Kudabaeva R.,S. M. Tusupbekova, Kadyrbekova A. was held training on the theme "My profession – my pride". The training was attended by qualified specialists of South Kazakhstan state University named after M. Auezov in the person of the head. Department "Production of building materials and structures" academician of NAS RK T. Kopzhasarova And Rysdauletova, expressed confidence that today's students will contribute to the construction of the third metropolis of the country.

The week Ended with the Spartakiad " In a healthy body - a healthy mind ", organized by teachers of physical culture on the basis of the sports complex "Burevestnik". Teachers and students of the College took an active part in competitions in various sports.



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