Kemelkhan Kairkhan, a 3rd year student of the Azhn-20-1k group studying Information Systems at the M. Auezov Training College, took the III place in the XXII Republican tournament named after Esirkep batyr among teenagers born in 2005-2006 in Shymkent as part of the “Year of children” 2022 in the weight category of 60 kg in Kazakh kuresi.
Kemelkhan Kairkhan, a 3rd year student of the Azhn-20-1k group studying Information Systems at the M. Auezov Training College, took the III place in the XXII Republican tournament named after Esirkep batyr among teenagers born in 2005-2006 in Shymkent as part of the “Year of children” 2022 in the weight category of 60 kg in Kazakh kuresi.