М.Әуезов атындағы ОҚУ колледжінің "Тамақтандыруды ұйымдастыру" мамандығы, ТҰн-19-1к тобының студенттері өндірістік іс-тәжірибеден өтуде.
Republic of Kazakhstan on November 18, 2021, Magister and Chief Lecturer of South Kazakhstan University named after M.Auezov, the Department of "General History and Museum" Tistanov Zhanabek Alibcules together with students of 6V01610 - "History" of the second course visited the historic-Cultural Center " Shym Kala "at which the opening of the exhibition" The Great Silk Road and Medieval Foreign Civilization "together by the State Archaeological Museum of the Reserve" Otyrar "was organized. In this underground museum, exhibits of the Siarass Museum were exhibited; Grains, hoes Ceramic and iron dishes and decoration of that time.The event was at the highest level.